
在加拿大, ICF serves as a trusted partner to all levels of government, gas 和 electric utilities, 和 private sector clients.



Electrification provides utilities 和 governments with ways to enhance revenue, reduce carbon emissions, 和 strengthen relationships with cities 和 customers. 我们设计, 计划, 和 administer electrification programs for on-road electric vehicles 和 non-road electric vehicles, for all kinds of heat pumps, 和 for industrial process electrification.

Program implementation

我们的 implementation team designs, delivers, 和 tracks decarbonization 和 dem和-side 管理ment programs in the residential, commercial, industrial, 和 transportation sectors across 加拿大. We can address your 计划ning, 市场营销, app processing, customer services, information 技术, 和 analytical needs.

Dem和-side 管理ment

Dem和-side 管理ment 和 energy efficiency must evolve to keep pace with a changing world 和 evolving customer needs. To address these challenges, our analysts 和 thought leaders leverage boots-on-the-ground experience to help inform progressive policies 和 design more streamlined, cost-effective, 和 successful programs.

Decarbonization 和 climate

We are dedicated to finding solutions that support private 和 public sector clients with their decarbonization 努力. 我们的 climate service offerings include greenhouse gas accounting 和 mitigation support, evaluation of climate risks 和 resilience, 和 regulatory 和 policy support services. We offer comprehensive solutions to our clients’ climate-related challenges 和 have supported utilities 和 governments in the development of 计划s to achieve ambitious emissions reduction targets.

Distributed energy resources

Distributed energy continues to disrupt the 权力 sector 和 push utilities 和 program administrators to reevaluate energy 管理ment solutions. 我们应用 integrated grid 计划ning 和 exp和 on st和ard integrated resource 计划ning processes to evaluate integrated DER solutions, develop non-wires alternatives, 和 help clients procure, 管理, 和 deploy DERs to the benefit of the utility, its customers, 还有网格.

能源 markets

随着市场的, 技术, 燃料供应, 和 environmental policy change, energy assets 和 portfolios require more intensive evaluation 和 管理ment to prioritize short- 和 long-term options. Meanwhile, renewable resources 和 energy storage are also changing traditional approaches. 我们的 权力 和 天然气 market consultants are modelers 和 strategists who can help you navigate these waters by offering actionable information about the value, as well as the interrelated cost 和 risk drivers, behind your current 和 potential future assets.



400 University Avenue
Toronto, Ontario M5G 1S5



200 Laurier Avenue West
Ottawa, ON K1P 6M7



125-9th Avenue SE
Calgary, AB T2G 0P6



2505 11th Avenue
Regina, SK S4P 0K6


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